The five pillars and early literacy
Five Pillars video
What does this all mean to me as a New Entrant kaiako?
After a few years of dealing with developmental needs and boy heavy classrooms, I have had a complete turnaround (see last year's blog) and have quite girl heavy rooms where the emphasis is not so much on play. They really want to write and practice lots of letters and read and colour - they are very keen on what I would normally call "busy work" (and in a disparaging way). So I have been really challenged to have a re-think because our results have been really good.
UDL is what will be underneath my practice - observing and removing barriers (particularly writing for Marcel in the use of iPads and Explain Everything app due to his lack of fine motor skills) - and also utilising the Five Pillars of Literacy and really unpacking that to see where we go with learning this year.
We are doing this one hour of reading, writing and maths daily and are needing to document that, but honestly, we more than cover an hour with our reading and reading to and phonics. So how do I make it better?
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