He pātai mo taku mahi kaiako
How do I incorporate inquiry more into reading and writing in my room in a way that meets the needs of my tamariki.
I think I need to do a really cool invitation/provocation at the beginning of the week where all my writing, maths and reading will flow out from.
That provocation will be the basis of utilising new inquiry-based language which will also further build oral language and hopefully flow into writing in particular, and maths. Reading is a bit more tricky with phonics books.
I am thinking that by exciting the tamariki with learning, it will transfer to writing and oral language. We have had a shot at this all ready with building our awa in the sandpit and then going down to the awa to watch the specialists lift the heavy logs out of the river. When we came back to class we drew pictures and talked about what we had seen in groups. I wrote in the kupu, like crane, and we practised sounding some words out, ie playground, bridge, truck.
Now I have had a taste of that, I can see it worked well. I might dive in with our piharau life cycle.
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